Canada Malting Co. Limited
Your Craft Calls for the Best Ingredients
Canadian Malt Steeped in Partnership and Tradition.
Our roots as a maltster trace back to 1832, as do the knowledge, relationships and values our team continues to cultivate today. The connections we have with growers, brewers and distillers, as well as the communities they serve, have made us an intrinsic part of this remarkable industry for more than 100 years.
Our Story
Exceptional Taste Comes from Exceptional Malt
From the grains we select, all the way through the malting process, we tailor aroma, colour and flavour for our customers. Our diverse offering honours the craft, creativity and range of today’s brewers and distillers.
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Our Safety Commitment
Our safety efforts are summed up by our goal: Zero Harm. Our Safety Management System is based on the international safety standard OHSAS 18001:2007. Each of our malt houses are 18001 registered and continually strive for improved safety systems. Our goal is simple: we want every member of our team to be able to go home at the end of each workday and fully enjoy their families and lives.
Download Environment Health and Safety Policy
Better malt is in the details
We test more than 100 grain and malt samples every day to verify superior quality, taste, and functionality. From there, maltsters take the grains through even steeping, controlled germination and artful kilning.
Our Process